Monday, November 28, 2011

Looking good

looking good  has become a big part of the American society people care more and more about how much income you make how you look how you dress even how you smell. I think this is due to the massive advertising campaigns clothing companies and other body hair makeup companies make to sell their products making a metal image for Young people to follow.

this is not always bad everytime you buy that new shirt or  new pair of shoes you're helping out our economy. yes these items to some are not needed but I believe if  you try to look good for what ever reason you are a more appealing person apposed to someone that never trys to look good. Having some sex appeal is always good for guys and girls and following social trends. People that don't are somewhat rejected in our society. If you try to stand out you are usually shot down or made fun of this is sad but the truth for every wear.

My favorite brands are Hurley the north face under armor buckle American eagle and some abercrombie cologne these are great clothing brands and mix some others in and you got a wardrobe I know as a guy wearing good looking clothes helps with girls. Ill post some websites below for all viewers to explore wear I get most of my wardrobe.

Making and Saving money

I'm 18 years old and I know there's a-lot of money out there to be made and the worlds economy is not doing well right now. I think there is many ways to make money and here's a few ways I have done myself and by all means I am no millionaire but I do make and save a good sum of money.

First there's investments good investments all involve risk taking but I know some pretty solid investments one being gold. Gold as many know has tripled in price over the past 10 years so most likely unless something changes on the planet gold will always be going up. You can also buy property and businesses. I am shooting for my first property by age 22 and I will rent the property out to help with payments of mine.

Second there's bonds at this time I only have one bond there's saving bonds federal bonds war bonds all kinds of bonds they have an okay interest rate but I don't think they are worth the wait and you get penalized if you cash the bond early.

Third there's the stock market I try to stay away from the stock market now because of the economic crisis were in. I can't tell you that this is a good way to invest but I can tell you that some people have become very wealthy using the stock market so by all means this is a risk worth making if you know what you're doing.

Like I said before I am no millionaire but I do own A car and A motorcycle by age 18 that's doing pretty well.  There's always going to be the kids that get everything handed to them but I try to just ignore them and work hard for everything that I obtain. I got the motorcycle by saving as much money as I could from each paycheck and believe me this is hard when you're only making tops 250 every 2 weeks, but it adds up after awhile. Best advice I can tell you is to not think about new items just set goals mine was 1,000 dollars it took some work but I got there then 2'000.

Saving money is the best way I think you can achieve your financial goals. Here's the 5 main things you have to do to start making some money 1 get a job and look presentable. 2 get a checking and savings account both accessible with a debt card. 3 only buy things that may turn a profit or essential items. 4 Budget your money we all need to have fun make but make sacrifices 5 Don't let anyone shoot down your ideas and if you dream it do it.

If you follow what I said and  have determination you will succeed